Crowbits Explorer Kit
Explorer Kit is perfectly designed for kids who don’t have any programming experiment which means you can control all these modules without programming.
For programming beginners, the complex connections and coding may be afraid of them to step forward. Explorer Kit is perfectly designed for kids who don’t have any programming experiment which means you can control all these modules without programming. When combined with Lovely carton papers and Lego, you can complete a creative project quickly. It help you lay a solid foundation for programming for these sensors.
Crowbits is a magnetic, programmable electronic block that can help kids or beginners to learn coding and electronics. Contains 80+ modules for kids to develop logic skills, programming skills and turn their idea to reality with endless creativity.

Note: Please allow the actual colors of LEGO-compatible blocks to be a little different from the project shown in the video.
Easy to use, plug and play
Various tutorial guides
Compatible with Lego blocks
Strong expansibility, more attractive
Graphical programming